Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
Freedom of Information Law Request.
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OTDA Home Laws & Policies
Freedom of Information Law Request.
The law enables you to access and/or correct information on file which pertains to you.
Provide local social services districts and other interested parties informed about current OTDA program policy and procedures impacting OTDA programs.
Provide immediate direction about current OTDA program policy and procedures to local social services districts.
Protocol for an Organization Requesting a Letter of Support from the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.
Protocol on how to make personal service upon OTDA or the OTDA Commissioner.
Guidance for local social services staff regarding the proper determination of SNAP eligibility.
Guidance for local social services staff regarding the proper application of work requirements for applicants and recipients of cash assistance and SNAP benefits.
Provisions of OTDA’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program.
OTDA’s Home Energy Assistance Program State Plans
OTDA's 2021-2023 LIHWAP Grant Implementation Plan
OTDA’s agenda for regulations that it is considering for publication in the State Register.
OTDA's list of rules that were reviewed in 2024 and rules that will be reviewed in 2025 can be found on pages 65 through 71 of the attached New York State Register. Note: Please utilize the page numbers found within the New York State Register when locating the Rule Review.
Rule Makings Proposed, Revised, and Adopted by OTDA.
OTDA's List of Guidance Documents on which the agency currently relies can be found on pages 73 through 127 of the attached New York State Register. Note: Please utilize the page numbers found within the New York State Register when locating the Guidance Documents.
State agency rules and regulations adopted under the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA). Title 18 of the NYCRR contains codes, rules and regulations for social services.
This Plan sets forth the actions OTDA will take to ensure that persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access to agency services, programs, and activities.
Contact information for obtaining assistance with regulatory compliance.
Guidance for local social services staff regarding the proper determination of cash assistance eligibility.
Guidance for local social service district staff in New York State regarding the proper determination of eligibility for energy payments made through Temporary Assistance.
The material contained in this manual provides guidance to local social services staff in New York State regarding the proper determination of HEAP eligibility.
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