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Creating a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for a P-EBT Food Benefit Card

In order to use your child's P-EBT Food Benefit card, you must first call the EBT customer service hotline to select a Personal Identification Number – or PIN.

Example of a P-EBT card. All P-EBT cards will have an ID number with the letter "I" in the first or second position. All P-EBT cards will have a 01/01/1900 DOB.
  1. Using a touch-tone phone, dial 1-888-328-6399.
  2. When prompted, select your preferred language– for example, press ‘1' for English.
  3. Next, enter the 19-digit number from the front of the card using your phone's keypad.
  4. After entering the card number, you will hear a series of options. If you have not used the card before to access P-EBT food benefits, press ‘1' to create your PIN.
  5. You will be asked to provide the last four digits of the cardholder's Social Security Number. (The cardholder is the child whose name is printed on the front of the P-EBT Food Benefit card.)

    Do NOT enter the last four digits of the child's Social Security Number. Instead you must enter the two-digit month and two-digit day of the child's birthday (MM/DD). For example, if the child's birthday is July 4, enter 0704. *Be sure to enter the child's actual birthday and not the fake birthday printed on the front of the card.

  6. After entering the child's birthday information, you'll be asked to enter your zip code.
  7. Finally, select your new 4-digit PIN by entering a 4-digit number using your phone's keypad. You will be required to enter this PIN whenever you make a purchase using your P-EBT Food Benefit card.
    • Please note, you cannot choose a PIN that contains repeated or consecutive numbers, such as a PIN of “2222” or “1234”. Choose a PIN that is difficult to guess.

You can also watch the video Activating a P-EBT Food Benefit card at

You're now ready to use your P-EBT food benefits to purchase food at any participating food store! Most food stores accept EBT payments. Just look for the 'Quest' logo or ask at the store before shopping. You can check your account balance at any time by calling 1-888-328-6399, by visiting, or by having the cashier check your balance at the register at any participating food store. Please note that P-EBT food benefits will remain available and accessible on your P-EBT Food Benefit card for at least 274 days from the date they were issued.

For more information about P-EBT food benefits visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Protect your benefits by changing your PIN often, and never give your EBT card number or PIN to anyone. To learn more about protecting your benefits from theft, visit the EBT Scam Alert webpage and view the Act Fast EBT Skimming Video.

Last updated: April 11, 2024

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