OTDA Home Programs & Services New York State Supplement Program (SSP)
SSP provides state-funded financial assistance to aged, blind and disabled individuals and is part of the monthly benefit paid to most Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients.
Applying for SSP
You must submit an application for federal SSI benefits to the Social Security Administration (SSA). This serves as your application for SSP benefits. SSA shares this information with New York State, who will determine your eligibility for SSP benefits.
There is no online SSI Application. Please schedule an appointment with a local Social Security office to file an application.
- Social Security Office Locator; or
- Call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Monday through Friday 7 am to 7 pm.
For more information on how to apply for SSI benefits, visit www.ssa.gov.
You are eligible for SSP benefits if you:
- Are an adult who is age 65 or older; or are blind or disabled; or are a child under the age of 18 who has a physical or mental impairment; and
- Reside in New York State; and
- Have limited income and resources; and
- Are a citizen or a qualified alien, or otherwise meet citizenship requirements.
Monthly benefit amounts vary depending on a variety of factors including:
- living arrangements,
- income; and
- county of residence.
View Maximum Monthly Benefit Amounts by Year:
How You Receive Benefits
If you receive both SSI and SSP benefits, you will receive your SSP benefits the same way you chose to receive your SSI benefit.
If you receive SSP benefits but do not receive SSI benefits, you can choose how to receive your benefits. We strongly encourage you to receive benefits through direct deposit, which is safe, fast and convenient.
If you currently have a representative payee for your SSI benefits, that person will also manage your SSP benefits. If you want to change your representative payee, you must contact SSA. If you receive SSP but do not receive SSI benefits, you can assign or change a payee by calling SSP at 1-855-488-0541.
Medicaid Eligibility
If you are eligible for SSP, you will automatically be eligible for Medicaid.
Benefit Payments Scheduled Availability of Benefits: April 2025 – September 2025
New York State Supplement Program Benefits are scheduled to be available on the following dates:
Benefit Month | Scheduled Benefit Availability |
April 2025 | April 1 |
May 2025 | May 1 |
June 2025 | May 30 |
July 2025 | July 1 |
August 2025 | August 1 |
September 2025 | August 29 |
NOTE: This schedule will be updated if any changes to benefit availability occur.
Reporting Changes to Your Case
You must report changes that may impact your benefits. The following reporting requirements apply to all SSP/SSPNA recipients:
Your SSP and SSPNA eligibility as well as benefit amount is based on information received from the Social Security Administration (SSA) as well as information reported to New York State (NYS).
Your failure to report changes and/or to report any changes in a timely manner may result in a possible suspension, discontinuance, or reduction of your benefits. You may also have to repay benefits that you improperly received as a result of not reporting changes as required.
For Individuals Who Receive Both SSI and SSP Benefits:
If you receive both SSI and SSP benefits, you will report your changes to SSA.
Examples of changes that must be reported include, but are not limited to:
- Change of residence and/or mailing address
- Marriage, divorce or separation
- Improvement of a disability
- Income or employment changes
- Change in countable resources that exceed $2000 for an individual or $3000 for an SSI/SSP couple
- Changes in bank account information
- Changes in your payee
- Changes in who you wish to allow to receive information about your benefits
NOTE: You must report any change in your State Living Arrangement directly to NYS SSP, not to the SSA.
A change in living arrangement must be reported to NYS SSP within ten (10) days of the date of the change. Please note that a change in who is in the household must be reported even if your address has not changed. The death of a household member, or changes to who is living in the household are living arrangement changes that must be reported.
For Individuals Who Only Receive SSP Benefits:
If you receive only SSP benefits, you will report your changes directly to NYS SSP.
Examples of changes that must be reported include, but are not limited to:
- Change of residence and/or mailing address
- Marriage, divorce or separation
- Improvement of a disability
- Income or employment changes
- Change in countable resources that exceed $2000 for an individual, or $3000 for an SSI/SSP couple
- Change in living arrangement or household composition, including the death of a household member or changes to who is living in the household. Please note that a change in who is in the household must be reported even if your address has not changed.
The changes listed above must be reported to NYS SSP within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the change.
You should also tell NYS SSP about the following changes as soon as you know about them:
- Changes in bank account information
- Changes in your payee
- Changes in who you wish to allow to receive information about your benefits
The Following Information Applies To All Recipients:
All applicants and recipients must respond to requests for information and/or documentation made by SSP within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the request. Failure to respond to requests for information may have a negative impact on your benefits.
Where to Report Changes or Provide Requested Information:
You may report changes to SSA by calling 1-800-772-1213 or by visiting your local SSA office in person.
You may report changes to SSP by calling toll free at 1-855-488-0541; OR by fax at: 518-486-3459; OR by email at: otda.sm.ssp@otda.ny.gov; OR by regular mail at:
State Supplement Program
PO Box 1740
Albany, NY 12201
NOTE: If you receive Social Security Retirement, Survivor's, or Disability payments and also receive SSP benefits, SSA does not share your federal benefit information or any changes, including address or living arrangement, with SSP and you must report changes directly to SSP.
Complete and send the following forms to tell us about changes to your:
- Living Arrangements - State Living Arrangement Form
- Bank Information - Direct Deposit Enrollment Form
- Income - Income Verification Form
- Designated Representative — Designated Representative Form
Congregate Care facility representatives should report changes, including admissions, discharges, direct deposit bank account information, and income on behalf of residents using the following form:
- Congregate Care - Congregate Care Change Report Form
Where to Return Forms
Completed forms may be mailed to:
NYS OTDA State Supplement Program
PO Box 1740
Albany, NY 12201
Or may be faxed to: 518-486-3459.
Scanned forms may be emailed to: otda.sm.ssp@otda.ny.gov
How to Get Proof of Your NYS SSP Benefits
New York State Supplement Program (SSP) recipients, their payees and authorized representatives can request an SSP Benefit Verification letter in any of the following ways:
- By logging in to the mySSP Portal at SSP Self Service Site
- By calling the SSP Customer Support Center toll free at 1-855-488-0541
- By emailing us at: otda.sm.ssp@otda.ny.gov
- By faxing us at 518-486-3459
- By writing us at:
State Supplement Program
PO Box 1740
Albany, New York 12201
When emailing, faxing or writing, please include the following information:
- Name
- Last four numbers of your Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- Mailing Address
The SSP Benefit Verification letter provides information on current SSP benefits.
Benefit Verification letters are mailed directly to the recipient and/or representative’s address.
Please allow at least 10 business days for the Benefit Verification letter to be received.
Contact State Supplement Program
Phone: 1-855-488-0541
Fax number: 518-486-3459
Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday 8:30AM–4:45PM
- Mailing Address:
- NYS OTDA State Supplement Program
PO Box 1740
Albany, New York 12201
Email: otda.sm.ssp@otda.ny.gov