Flexible Fund for Family Services (FFFS) 2019-2020

OTDA Home News & Public Information Performance Management and Accountability Flexible Fund for Family Services (FFFS) 2019-2020

Flexible Fund for Family Services (FFFS) 2019-2020

Appropriation Level: $964,000,000

The total funding for the FFFS for SFY 2019-20 is $964,000,000. The programs that may be funded in the FFFS are as follows: allowable non-assistance TANF Employment programs (such as employment preparation, placement and retention services, transitional benefits and other work supports), TANF Services (including but not limited to, case management services, after school and summer youth programs, home visiting, and child-only case projects), Child Welfare Services, Emergency Assistance to Families (EAF) Foster Care Maintenance, Administration and Tuition Costs, PINS/Preventive Detention Diversion Services, Pregnancy Prevention, Drug/Alcohol (D/A) Assessment and Monitoring, Domestic Violence (DV) Screening and Assessment, EAF JD/PINS Foster Care and related costs, Social Services Districts’ (districts) administrative costs for all TANF related activities, or for any other allowable TANF purpose. Districts may also transfer funds from FFFS to Child Care, and/or Title XX Services (TANF-funded portion). In SFY 2019-20 childcare, non-residential domestic violence services and the summer youth employment program have all been funded separately outside of the FFFS.

Districts develop and submit to the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) and the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) for approval plans which detail how they will allocate their FFFS funds. Districts generally may revise their plans as needed. Within the county allocation each district has discretion to its FFFS funds for any federally-allowable TANF purpose. FFFS funded services may be provided to families who are TANF eligible (recipients of Family Assistance or SN MOE with State charge code of 63 or 64) or families whose income does not exceed 200% of federal poverty and who meet TANF 200% eligibility criteria.

The FFFS Performance and Accountability Matrix provides information on how each district plans to use its FFFS allocation for programs administered by OTDA. Outcomes are specified for TANF Services projects, Employment Services, Drug and Alcohol Assessment and Monitoring, and Domestic Violence Screening and Assessments. (please note that while districts are mandated to conduct Drug and Alcohol Assessments and Monitoring and mandated to offer Domestic Violence Screening and Assessments, they can provide these services using funding other than FFFS.) The Annual Funding Level column shows the amounts transferred to Child Care, Title XX and amounts budgeted to other programs supervised by OTDA and OCFS.

Program Funding Detail
Program Funding State Fiscal Year Cycle
Flexible Fund for Family Services (FFFS) $964,000,000 SFY 2019-2020 10/1/18-3/31/20
Total $964,000,000

2019-20 Flexible Fund for Family Services - Allocation Listing

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