Operational Support for AIDS Housing RFP

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Operational Support for AIDS Housing RFP

Issue Date:
02/17/2023, Updated 04/03/2023

The purpose of the Operational Support for AIDS Housing RFP is to help establish and maintain a viable continuum of residential opportunities for previously homeless persons with HIV/AIDS and/or their families living in supportive housing created through HHAP. OSAH funds assist HHAP-funded AIDS housing programs with providing necessary operational support and covering maintenance and operating expenses.

Eligibility to apply for OSAH funding through this Request for Proposals (RFP) is specifically limited to those projects developed with HHAP funds to serve homeless and/or formerly homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS. Eligible HHAP applicants include nonprofit corporations, governmental, or tribal agencies that either exclusively serve individuals and/or families with HIV/AIDS or are obligated to set aside a specific number of units for individuals and/or families living with HIV/AIDS. HHAP funds must have been used to construct or rehabilitate the specific AIDS housing units for which OSAH funding is requested.

Note: Please be aware that the deadline for submitting the Operational Support for AIDS Housing (OSAH) applications has been extended from Monday April, 3rd until Monday, April 10, 2023 at 2:00pm. This extended deadline has been reflected in the updated RFP document below. Any applicant that has submitted an application and wishes to amend that application prior to the extended deadline must email the helpdesk at grantsgateway@its.ny.gov to have the application reopened. Please note that nothing needs to be done if an applicant has already submitted an application and does not wish to make changes.


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