OTDA Home Contract & Grant Opportunities Procurement/Bid Opportunities
Procurement/Bid Opportunities
Listed by: Title of Procurement/Bid and (approximate date of release)
- Statistical Consultant RFQ (03/19/2025)
- Evaluation of Child Poverty Reduction Initiatives RFP (11/13/2024) Updated 01/28/2024
- Forms Production and Delivery IFB (10/17/2024) Updated 12/09/2024
- Refugee Medical Screening and Immunization Program, New York City RFA (12/06/2024)
- Shelter Exit Services for Office of Refugee Resettlement Eligible Populations (SES) RFP (10/03/2024) Updated 11/04/2024
- Homeless Housing and Assistance Program RFP (05/04/2023) Updated 11/01/2024
- Career Pathways IV (CP IV) RFP (08/29/2024) Updated 09/30/2024
- Services to Older Refugees Program (SORP) RFP (07/08/2024) Updated 09/10/2024
- Access and Visitation Program (AVP) RFP (08/06/2024) Updated 08/28/2024
- Centralized Support Collection and Enforcement RFP (01/02/2024) Updated 08/19/2024
- Solutions to End Homelessness Program (STEHP) RFP (04/12/2024) Updated 05/09/2024
- Making a Connection (MAC) RFP (04/10/2024) Updated 04/30/2024
- SNAP-Ed III Direct Services RFP (04/09/2024) Updated 04/24/2024
- SNAP-Ed III Technical Assistance RFP (04/09/2024) Updated 04/24/2024
- Refugee Support Services Program (RSSP) RFP (09/05/2023) Updated 10/26/2023
- HHAC Audit Services RFP (09/27/2023)
- HIV Employment Initiative (HEI) RFP (08/14/2023) Updated 09/11/2023
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS RFP (07/20/2023) Updated 08/04/2023
- Emergency Needs for the Homeless RFP (04/05/2023) Updated 05/01/2023
- Operational Support for AIDS Housing RFP (02/17/2023) Updated 04/03/2023
- Homeless Housing and Assistance Program RFP (08/31/2020) Updated 03/01/2023
- Targeted SNAP Outreach IV RFP (03/04/2022) Updated 04/18/2022
- Refugee School Impact Program RFP (12/30/2021) Updated 01/28/2022
- Disability Advocacy Program III RFP (01/05/2022) Updated 01/24/2022
- Wage Subsidy Program III RFP (10/18/2021) Updated 11/15/2021
- Venture V Program for SNAP (07/30/2021) Updated 09/14/2021
- Response to Human Trafficking Program RFP (07/22/2021) Updated 08/12/2021
- New York State Supportive Housing Program RFP (06/02/2021) Updated 06/17/2021
- Technical Assistance for HHAC RFQ (12/07/2020) Updated 12/23/2020
- 2019 Homeless Housing and Assistance Program RFP (06/05/2019) Updated 02/06/2020
- Temporary Operator for Emergency Shelters Request for Qualifications (RFQ) (3/28/2017) Updated 6/29/2017
OTDA Restricted Periods
Information on a “Restricted Period” during which certain types of communications may only be made to an OTDA “Designated Agency Contact” along with additional information on the procurement lobbying requirements is available at The OGS Advisory Council on Procurement Lobbying (ACPL) website located at https://ogs.ny.gov/procurement/nys-procurement-council.
Restricted Period Start Date - The period of time commencing with the earliest written notice, advertisement or solicitation of a request for proposal, invitation for bids, or solicitation of proposals, or any other method for soliciting a response from vendors intending to result in a procurement contract with OTDA and ending with the final contract award and approval by OTDA and, where applicable, the state comptroller.
OTDA Designated Agency Contact - The person or persons designated by OTDA pursuant to State Finance Law 139-j to receive attempts to influence from vendors relative to an OTDA governmental procurement during the restricted period of such OTDA governmental procurement. OTDAs Designated Agency Contact is Jason Wilkie 518-474-7091.
OTDA Solicitation Primary Contact - The OTDA Solicitation Contact (SC) is an OTDA employee, other than the Designated Agency Contact (DC), who is identified in the solicitation document. In procurement documents, this position is also known as the designated contact.
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