OTDA Home Programs & Services Refugee Services Provider Directory
Refugee Services Provider Directory
Find providers by region:
On the map of New York State below, click on a region to learn more about Refugee Services related programs in that area, and to see the list of providers for that region: (or click on the name of the region in the list below the map)
Find providers by program:
- The Making a Connection Program (MAC)
- The New York State Enhanced Services to Refugees Program (NYSESRP)
- Refugee and Immigrant Student Welcome Program (RISWP)
- Refugee Health Promotion (RHP)
- Refugee Health Screening (RHS)
- Refugee School Impact Program (RSIP)
- Refugee Social Services Program (RSSP)
- Response to Human Trafficking Program (RHTP)
- Services to Older Refugees Program (SORP)
- Ukraine Supplemental Appropriation to Resettlement Agencies (USARA)
- Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program (URM)