2023 Annual Report
This Annual Report is being submitted by OTDA in satisfaction of the requirements of section 17(d) of the Social Services Law and section 164 of the Executive Law.
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OTDA Home Resources & Reports Reports
This Annual Report is being submitted by OTDA in satisfaction of the requirements of section 17(d) of the Social Services Law and section 164 of the Executive Law.
Statistical Report on the Operations of New York State Temporary Assistance Programs.
This report summarizes the findings from the data analysis conducted for New York's 2022 child support guidelines review. Federal regulation (45 C.F.R. § 302.56) requires states to review their guidelines at least once every four years.
Report to the New York State Legislature focusing on the January 1, 2022–December 31, 2023 DAP program period.
Annual report made pursuant to NYS Social Services Law Chapter 61 - Laws of 1983.
New York Benefit Programs By the Numbers provides a reporting of major OTDA programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and Public Assistance (PA) by Congressional, Senate and Assembly District.
Annual report made pursuant to the Child Poverty Reduction Act analyzing “the proposals contained within the executive budget submission that are expected by the advisory council to impact the child poverty rate.”
Annual report made pursuant to NYS Social Services Law Section 483-ee (c).
Monthly report made pursuant to NYS Social Services Law Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2004. The Temporary & Disability Assistance Statistics contain information concerning TANF, Safety Net, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), SSI, HEAP, and Child Support.
Annual report to the New York State Legislature made pursuant to Chapter 53 of the Laws of 2022.
New York State's Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) was established to provide youth with an introduction to the workforce and help them acquire skills that can improve future career outcomes as well as improve school performance. OTDA has administered the SYEP since 2005 by making grants to local social service districts (districts) to provide for the operation of the program.
This Report to the New York State Legislature covers the 2016-2021 SYEP program period.
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